Go For It
Accept Confront Uncover Re-Imagine Create Refresh Discover Go For It Achieve Dream Explore
Let me help you
Meet Your Coach
is a dynamic leadership coach with an impressive range. As a Certified Professional Co-Active Coach (CPCC) she works with all types of clients in all stages of life from Executive Directors to Parents to Pastors to youth and young adults and everywhere in between. She is an Industrial Organizational Psychologist and a gifted facilitator. She can even help you get your team to function at the highest level. Most importantly, she believes that you can be the very best version of yourself because you already have what it takes inside you!
Becky Phelps
Alright! Enough about me. After all, this is about you.
For just a moment, allow me the privilege to coach you. Take a deep breath and as you breathe out allow the stress of the day to melt away, take a moment to appreciate this moment and you in it. As you breathe in again celebrate that You did it! You have made it to this moment! No matter what you have been through, successes and failures, you and all that you are made it here and you are still standing, or maybe you’re sitting, but we will take that!
Now, from this place of celebration and acceptance ask yourself:
What is happening or would be happening if you are living your life completely fulfilled? Take a moment, close your eyes, and really consider what elements are present when you are totally and completely fulfilled. What came to you first? (That’s important!) What else was there? Does anything surprise you?
What would the impact be on you if all those elements were present in your life? Maybe they already are, what does that feel like? What do you want to do with that fulfillment? I have a feeling you think there could be more. If all the elements that came to you are not there, what’s that like?
What could you do today to move one tiny step closer to living a life of complete fulfillment? As you take one last deep breath, what do you want to take with you from this moment? Remember, you CAN live a life of deep connection, and complete fulfillment, with healthy perspectives.
You CAN go after the things you want and I can help!
You’re just an email away
Which Type of Coaching Could Benefit You Most?
Discovering YOU
It’s time to do something for you! It’s time to discover your values, who you are, what fulfills you and what you want to do. It is time to choose to discover who you are apart from everything else that demands your time and attention.
Let me help you take an objective, non-judgmental look at yourself and discover the magnificence of YOU!
Reset & Recovery
Are you searching for significance? Do you need to process all that you have been through and how to affects you today? It is time to take a look at the mountain in front of you and explore who you are because of and in spite of it.
Let me help you explore how the hard things in life are impacting you in this moment and what you want to do to RESET & RECOVER and take your NEXT BOLD STEP!
Do you support the next generation? Are you an advocate for youth and young people? Are you parenting them and wanting to explore a deeper connection? Or maybe you are a member of the next generation a youth or young adult looking for your next great adventure or what could be your deeper purpose in life.
Let me help you make a DEEPER CONNECTION, a BIGGER IMPACT, and discover how you want to CHANGE THE WORLD!
Next Right Step
Do you feel stuck or like you can’t follow through on your dreams and goals? Contemplating a career move or a life change? Would you like to make progress in organization, scheduling, and routine while feeling JOYFUL and FULFILLED in the things you are doing? It’s time to explore your next right step and the leader in you that is passionate about GOING FOR IT!
Let me help you discover what you WANT to do and WHO you WANT to be while you’re doing it!
What is Co-Active Coaching?
The Certified Professional Co-Active Coach (CPCC) designation, is respected worldwide as the gold standard in ICF (International Coaching Federation) accredited coaching. Co-Active Professional Coach Training is the largest, most established professional coach training organization in the world and is widely recognized as the most rigorous professional certification program in the industry.
Co-Active Coaching puts the client in the driver’s seat compared to other types of coaching. It is often referred to as “The Bridge,” from where you are now, to where you want to be. At its core it holds that you are naturally creative, resourceful, and whole which means you know at the core of who you are who you need to be to do what you want to do!
Are You Ready?
Ready to get unstuck? Ready to explore who you need to be to take your next brave step? Ready to dream your big dreams?
Are you ready to GO FOR IT? Take your next step by scheduling a session with me today!